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Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Orange County

Representing Employees Who Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

No matter what industry you work in, you deserve to feel safe from discrimination and harassment in the workplace. This means you should not be subjected to unwanted sexual advances or comments when you’re just trying to do your job. If you’re being sexually harassed at work, it’s time to talk to an Orange County sexual harassment lawyer about your legal options.

The team at Odell Law, PLC has handled several sexual harassment cases on behalf of clients hoping to put a stop to uncomfortable sexual comments and advances at work. If you’re ready to address the sexual harassment you’re dealing with, contact our Orange County, California law firm to get help through the legal process of reporting sexual harassment.

What Are the Main Types of Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims?

Some employees are afraid to report sexual harassment because they don’t know if their experiences qualify for this type of discrimination claim. If you’re unsure if you’re experiencing sexual harassment, one detail to know is that it’s defined as unwanted actions or words of a sexual nature that make the victim feel uncomfortable. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) makes it illegal to harass someone due to their sex, so you might have a sexual harassment claim to pursue if someone has targeted you in this way.

The EEOC categorizes sexual harassment cases in two ways. One is quid pro quo, which is when a supervisor offers an employee certain benefits, such as promotions or raises, in exchange for sexual favors. Quid pro quo may also occur when a manager threatens to fire an employee if they do not agree to a sexual relationship. So, if your boss puts repeated pressure on you to trade sexual favors for a promotion, you should talk to an Orange County sexual harassment lawyer about your case.

The other type of workplace sexual harassment claim involves a hostile work environment. This is when unwanted physical contact or sexual comments become so common and aggressive that they create a hostile or offensive work environment. You should not have to dread going to work because of unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that you’ll encounter from your boss, co-workers, or clients. If you’re tired of dealing with a hostile work environment, contact an Orange County sexual harassment attorney for a free consultation.

What Are Common Examples of Workplace Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment can come in many forms and includes both physical and verbal conduct that’s inappropriate in the workplace. Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator of sexual harassment, regardless of their sex, age, sexual orientation, or position in the company. So, whether you’re being sexually harassed by your manager, coworker, customer, or subordinate, you should get legal help from Orange County sexual harassment lawyers.

Some of the most common examples of workplace sexual harassment include:

  • Making sexual gestures
  • Making unwelcome requests for sexual favors
  • Repeatedly commenting on someone’s appearance
  • Asking sexual questions
  • Sending text messages or emails of a sexual nature
  • Showing people sexual photos or videos at work
  • Telling stories of a sexual nature at work
  • Making sexual jokes
  • Spreading sexual rumors
  • Using sexual slurs or insults
  • Making unwanted physical contact
  • Threatening or committing sexual assault

If you recognize these or other forms of sexual harassment in the workplace, you should contact Orange County sexual harassment attorneys for advice on your next steps. In most cases, you’ll be advised to report the sexual harassment to your employer so they can investigate. Your sexual harassment lawyer might also recommend that you file a complaint with the EEOC, especially if you plan to file a discrimination claim. Contact our Orange County , California law firm to speak to a skilled, compassionate sexual harassment lawyer about your case.

What Happens When You Report Harassment in the Workplace?

Ideally, your employer will investigate your report of sexual harassment and determine a suitable way to punish the perpetrators so they know their behavior isn’t acceptable. However, employers often don’t react well to reports of sexual harassment, especially if their top performers or members of leadership are accused of making unwelcome sexual advances.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for an employer to retaliate when faced with reports of sexual harassment. They might unfairly terminate or demote you, deny you a promotion, relocate you, or severely reduce your hours. Such retaliation can feel devastating when it occurs, but the good news is that it’s illegal, since requesting an investigation into sexual harassment is a protected activity.

This means that if your employer retaliates against you, an experienced sexual harassment attorney will be ready to take legal action on your behalf. As your case begins, you and your Orange County sexual harassment lawyer will work together to gather evidence and calculate a fair settlement. If you’re ready to discuss your options after experiencing workplace harassment, contact Odell Law, PLC to talk to an Orange County sexual harassment attorney.

Should You Hire Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Orange County?

The idea of moving forward on sexual harassment claims on your own can be intimidating, especially when you’re still reeling from the impact of unwanted touching or verbal comments at work. This is why we advise you to get legal guidance from an experienced sexual harassment attorney in Orange County, California.

When you contact Odell Law, PLC, you’ll meet with an Orange County lawyer who can ensure you understand what’s considered sexual harassment before reviewing your documentation and finding additional evidence of the harassment and discrimination you’ve endured. It’s important to ensure that anyone who created a hostile environment for you is held liable, especially if they responded to your sexual harassment concerns with a negative performance review or wrongful termination. If you’re ready to seek justice, call us at 949-771-8173 to talk to an experienced sexual harassment attorney.